Im Journal of Psychology wurde ein Artikel zu dem Thema Kreativität in Träumen von PD Dr. Michael Schredl und mir publiziert. Die Zitation lautet:
- Schredl, M. & Erlacher, D. (2007). Self-reported effects of dreams on waking-life creativity: An empirical study. Journal of Psychology, 144, 1, 35-46.
Abstract: Over the years, a variety of examples of how dreams inspire creative persons have been published. Nevertheless, empirical research in this area, in which “normal” people are investigated, is rather scarce. The present study focused on the self-rated effect of dreams on creativity in samples not selected for creative abilities. Within a student sample (N = 444) and a web-based survey sample (N = 636), a questionnaire about dreaming and creative dreaming was presented. In addition, the student sample completed several personality measures and creativity scales. The findings indicated that dreams which stimulated waking-life creativity played a considerable role in the everyday lives of ordinary people (about 8 % of all dreams). The examples reported by the Online Study participants fell into three categories: dream images used for art, work, or similar areas; dreams that solve a (most often) work-related problem, and dreams that provided the impetus to do something the dreamer otherwise had difficulties doing. The fourth category (emotional insights) was related to dreams within the psychotherapy domain. The main influencing factors on frequency of creative dreams were dream recall frequency itself and the “thin boundaries” personality dimension. Future research might focus on diary techniques to study the effects of dreams on subsequent waking life in a more detailed way and on the possibility of developing techniques to increase the frequency of creative dreams that might be valuable as aids for people in creative jobs.
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